BURKART Intermediate Flute | Resona R100
Sterling Silver Lip-Plate
Silver-Plated Headjoint, Body & Keys
B Footjoint
French Pointed-Arm Keys
Split-E Mechanism
Offset G
Open Holes
Each Burkart Resona flute comes with a hard case, soft carry cover, cleaning rod, inside cleaning cloth and outside cleaning cloth.
Sterling Silver Lip-Plate
Silver-Plated Headjoint, Body & Keys
B Footjoint
French Pointed-Arm Keys
Split-E Mechanism
Offset G
Open Holes
Each Burkart Resona flute comes with a hard case, soft carry cover, cleaning rod, inside cleaning cloth and outside cleaning cloth.
Sterling Silver Lip-Plate
Silver-Plated Headjoint, Body & Keys
B Footjoint
French Pointed-Arm Keys
Split-E Mechanism
Offset G
Open Holes
Each Burkart Resona flute comes with a hard case, soft carry cover, cleaning rod, inside cleaning cloth and outside cleaning cloth.
For more than 30 years, Burkart Flutes has delighted professional players with our premier level of instruments. As our contribution to help the next generation of flute players, we designed the Resona Flute and Piccolo.
Rigorous testing and attention to detail ensure that every flute meets our high quality standards. Every Resona flute has been finished and tested in the Burkart Workshop by our team of legendary flute makers.
Resona flutes offer features previously limited to custom instruments, including: French-style pointed arms, open hole keys, C# trill key, split-E mechanism, ergonomic key design, and a headjoint cut designed by Burkart.
Designed with the advancing player in mind, the Resona Flute offers a professional level instrument and sound at accessible prices.
For more information: www.burkart.com/resona-flutes/